Nick Wright Wants The NBA To Change The Rules Because The Celtics Are Too Good

Nathaniel S. Butler. Getty Images.

Over the years, we as Celtics fans have had to listen to a lot of bullshit from the media. Years and years of trying to break up the Jays and pit them against each other. Everyone trying to invalidate what they were doing on the court for some weird reason. Disrespect at every turn really.

Well, as we enter the 2024-25 season with the Celts as defending champs and currently kicking the shit out of the entire NBA, we have a new take.

The NBA needs to change the rules because the Celtics are too good.

Please, inject this shit DIRECTLY into my veins. I love all the crying we’re now getting from the same people who spent years shitting on the Celtics, calling them frauds, picking against them at every turn etc. Have some goddamn shame would you? Sounds like someone is still just a little upset about what happened this past June

I find it very interesting that the people who seem to be the loudest that the Celts are “ruining the NBA” or that the rules need to be changed because of Mazzulla Ball seem to be coming from their biggest haters. I’m so sorry Nick Wright isn’t having fun watching the Celtics dominate. Poor baby! I’m not seeing the issue, as I am having a ton of fun. 

The beauty in shit like this is where was this during the Warriors Dynasty? They were revolutionizing basketball and everyone sucked their dick nonstop for nearly a decade. But now that it’s the Celtics who are not only playing that way, but are taking it up a level it’s a problem? The sport is ruined and the rules need to be changed? 


What these people try and do is frame it as “your fans think your product sucks and you need to change it”. No no. That’s not it. People who hate the Celtics are mad that they’re so good and think it’s unfair that their own favorite team can’t play this way. Sorry, build better rosters? Where was the Nick Wright 8-minute monologue about how the Warriors were ruining the NBA? 

Anyone who chalks up the Celts 3pt volume to “just chucking threes” is either 

A) Not watching

B) Not understanding what they are watching

If you can’t appreciate elite ball and player movement, maximizing spacing, and having a roster full of elite shooters, that sounds more like a you problem than an NBA problem. It’s no surprise all the crying about this you see on Twitter and hear on these shows comes from the same opposing fanbases/media trolls.

Before it was the Celtics were never going to be good enough. Now it’s they’re too good so we need to change the rules. How embarrassing for these people. 

Now this isn’t to say Wright’s entire rant was wrong. The load management stuff I agree with. But maybe, just maybe, instead of crying about changing the rules, teams should just be better at maximizing their play while following the rules? Oh, not everyone can do what the Celtics do so things need to change? What? Do people really believe this shit?

Oh well. Unfortunately for them, this is their new reality. This man has broken not only the media’s brains, but now also apparently the NBA as a whole. 


I wasn’t really sure what the media narratives were going to be this season now that the Celts finally won their title, but I certainly didn’t have 

“The NBA needs to change their rules because the Celtics are too good”

on my bingo card. I’ll admit, I kind of love it here.

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